
Simone Aspis: No Privacy Whatsoever

Simone was born in 1969 in Dollis Hill, London. She went to a residential special school in Cheshire from the age of four until sixteen. From there she went on to college and then university.

Here Simone describes life at her residential school.

  • Simone Aspis
  • Simone Aspis
  • Simone Aspis


Yeah, it was a pretty miserable place, absolutely hated it, I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy at the school there. Crap curriculum, absolutely nothing to do, staff were not at all really qualified, some staff were very, very controlling, you know, not only just the headmaster but some of the childcare staff so, you know, you could go in your room and you were feeling quite angry, you know, the childcare staff would listen in on the minicom and then you would just get punished.

Teachers – the childcare staff just took it upon themselves just to go through your possessions and just think they could just, you know, borrow things without your permission. So I used to have – that was the one thing I was able to at least take up was to take up a trunk where I used to keep everything locked away. If you ever wrote home to your – if you ever wrote home you always had to show the teacher what you’d written, yeah, so what I used to do was write the letter, slipped in the complaints, and then I used to send it to my parents. Or I had one or two members – one or two staff who I was very – who was quite happy to send my letters, knowing what was in them in terms of the complaints.

And your – definitely you always had any conversations like telephone conversations would always be listened to by somebody, so you absolutely had no privacy whatsoever, and if they didn’t like what you said you would just get punished – you’d just get – you’d just get punished.

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