Zara Todd: The Kid in the Wheelchair

Zara was born in 1985 in London. She attended a special school initially, then transferred to mainstream at the age of seven. She continued with mainstream education at secondary and then went on to university.

Here Zara talks about what got in the way of making friends at school.

  • Zara Todd
  • Zara Todd
  • Zara Todd
  • Zara Todd


When I was first put into mainstream school I spent most of my time being surrounded by groups of kids in the playground that all wanted to play with me and be my friend and I used to be surrounded by kids and I used to play with them and it used to be absolutely fine and everyone was happy, but looking back on it I can see that a large proportion of them wanted to be friends with me so they could push my wheelchair or hang out with the kid in the wheelchair and that kind of thing rather than because of who I was as an individual.

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